Our thinking

January 2 is
Celebrate as you deserve

We want to announce from the page of the Moorish Nation, at the initiative of the Renaissance and European Union Party (PRUNE), the creation of a symbolic date, which is in the memory and heart of all Muslims in the world, even if they do not remember it exactly .
That date is January 2, 1492, 21 yawm as-sabat, Safar. 897.
On that day January 2 of each year, the barbarians, xenophobes, Islamophobes and racists in general, celebrate the fall of the city of Granada, ending one of the most prosperous, advanced and cultured periods of humanity, the celebration being a shame of this "party".
That is why the PRUNE, proposes to all Muslims, associations, communities and people interested in the abolition of these horrific acts, that that day deposit two flowers in any representative Islamic monument, one for Granada and one for Al Andalus, and share that photo or video, through our page, to remember our brothers, and the fall of a culture.
That way every January 2, we commemorate that date, with the nostalgia and respect he deserves, Incha Allah.

Our thinking

The PRUNE is the maximum exponent of the coexistence, and of the attempt of resolution of the conflicts that nowadays invade our society.
We live in a chaos where ethics and morals are trampled or ignored, with the consent of the politicians who run our country, people from the countries that are now engulfed in wars and famines, caused by Zionism in collusion with Western countries and the United States have to emigrate to other lands in search of what they have lost in their places of birth, leaving behind with the pain of their heart, everything they love.
A new world order stands on our planet, where the pariahs of the earth have no place, their supporter is capitalism, which makes every day the rich are richer and the poor are poorer.
The Renaissance and European Union Party (PRUNE), arises from the need and demand of all of us, to achieve a more just society, where we can live together human beings, regardless of their race, their religion, or their political thinking , a society where we can profess our beliefs, educate our children and have freedom to decide our future, a society where the richness of the principles of Islam, are the guideline of our life, where the usury of banking and others that base their economic activity in that Machiavellian abomination, which adds people and countries in misery, is banished from our environment.
The PRUNE, wants to be the nexus of political action to respond to many of the situations in which our brothers find themselves
January 2, 2020New paragraph
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